Practice healthy options to manage pain and stress during gestation.
Prescription pain medication comes with negative side effects and risks during pregnancy.
P.A.C.E. provides marginalized pregnant women and their families the tools and skills needed to access resources and services that aid the management of their pain and mental health through natural, non-addictive means.
P.A.C.E. educates pregnant women about negative risks and side-effects of taking schedule I, II, III, and IV drugs (e.g., opioids, psychotropic, stimulants/depressants). Women are connected to resources and options as alternatives to prescription medication.
P.A.C.E. Program participants are taught the importance of maintaining a suitable diet, exercise regimen and healthy habits as tools to manage stress and pain instead of taking prescription medications.
The PACE Program provides women support and encouragement during motherhood through educational workshops, group wellness events, nutrition check-ins, and community gatherings that spread awareness and encourage women to prioritize their own physical and mental health issues in order to thrive before, during, and after pregnancy.
P.A.C.E helps mothers via financial assistance, community networking, and resource consolidation. Women will be supported and championed as they develop new techniques and strategies for maintaining healthy habits during their gestation period and throughout motherhood.